dpp 7: diciembre siete

“i ain’t no hollaback girl…” -pretty sure stefani was singing about being a “challah-back” girl 🙂 when i was looking up the original song, i wonderfully stumbled upon a whole market for “challah back girl” merchandise: t-shirts, etc. oh, yeah.

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going away

last night

we drove to our community group

cars met us on the side of the drive

cars that mostly didn’t belong.

confusion clung to my tired mind

as i looked at the time

wondering if we were late

or if details had escaped.

familiar faces peeped over the windowsill.

my heart stilled

as the pieces fell together in my lap.

they had put together

a surprise party

for our atlanta move in a couple of weeks.

our steps were heavy upon

the treads of the steps

as we approached the front door.

through the house we went

prompted by our hostess

to the backyard of faces.

everyone was there.

the patio and porch were decorated

with white-papered tables

and flowers placed in jars

surrounded with wisps of colored fabric.

warm faces were everywhere

faces that we had met our first day alone in bloomington

and newer faces from the last few months.

the gratitude and effort of it all

beat over my heart

like tall waves upon a rocky beach.

the effect was humbling.

children splashed with joy in the water pools

in the lawn

watermelon clenched in their tiny fists.

boys played corn hole and lingered with beers in hand.

the rest of us chatted

and watched our impressive hosts prepare

a low-boil with mussels and shrimp

enough to feed a small army.

it wasn’t until a friend led me back indoors

where it hit me

the signed notes upon a cork board

that a friend had made in the shape of the U.S.

the framed etsy prints of all of our home cities:

lincoln, bloomington and soon-to-be atlanta

for us to take home.

i cried.

so thankful for these two years God gave us here.

the friendships that have been built in that span.

the beautiful country surrounding this town

that matt has explored in full.

the church plant that had barely begun

which is now doing public worship.

the tears and struggles that God has provided

to make this community stronger

and more vulnerable to his love.

thank you all for being a part of this journey

and providing an unforgettable night.


take a load off, fanny

E is currently rolled up on me snoozing, while i am awaiting the time to schedule my tutoring hours (every thursday at 12pm). pandora is playing me an eclectic selection of music, as you can see from the post title. matt’s family is in route to our house as i type. it will be a crazy next week. however, i am looking forward to my routine getting a little shaken up.

as E lays here, i realize how much i have to be thankful for over the last two years and the blessing of my multitude of jobs–even though it is a lot to explain to people who ask. i loved stepping outside the other day, walking behind our house to the alley way, trailing between the shops, and peeking into all the open doors at the hubbub inside: the old lady hair salon with the creepy 80s hair ad, etc. i was able to drop off some shoes at the shoe doctor and then walk five or so minutes up the road to the post office to mail my package. it is amazing to have all commodities within walking distance of our apartment.

well, someone just woke up….