Day 6

for hannah. thanks for this inspiration. you’re amazing.

meanwhile, i sit, eating ginger biscuits and sipping eggnog. oh, how i love eggnog. it is the essence of christmas. work is definitely picking up a speed into all directions at church. felt like we were spinning for a few hours there–i just get into work mode: head down, email checking, note taking, writing frenzy, list making madness.

telling myself we only have a week or so left. i can’t believe it is almost time. that’s how things are i guess when you have a flexible schedule and west coast and midwest families all millions of miles apart. not feeling too stressed. just feeling peace and a surge of moving–not sure what God has in plan at the end of this motion, but for now, we’ll keep saving, gathering and allowing that small gleam at the end of the tunnel to lead us into the day.

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a bloomington tour and list of things to do

my brain feels like it is melting. we are leaving tomorrow for vacation (3 younger sisters, parents, a sister’s friend and husband in a pop-up camper on the beach). however, it is not SOON enough. matt is just about to submit his final draft of his thesis. we are both tired of it. anyhows, here are some pictures from last week and our adventures with the reed family…

find geodes in the creek

find geodes in the creek


wade in creeks with brothers

wade in creeks with brothers

go on crawdad searches (they caught over 8 with matt)

go on crawdad searches (they caught over 8 with matt)


wade through creeks to find the perfect birthday picnic area

wade through creek to find the perfect birthday picnic area

ponder deep and mysterious things

ponder deep and mysterious things

drink san pellegrinos for bd lunch

drink san pellegrinos for bd lunch

let kids play in flooded play areas

let kids play in flooded play areas

swing in seats with fasteners

swing in seats with fasteners

swing with super cool aunts

swing with super cool aunts

jump of swings

jump off swings

and land on your feet :)

and land on your feet 🙂

we had a lovely time with the reed family. i was super excited, because i remember growing up and staying with naomi and justin when i was little. and now, i hoped their kids could experience the same thing i did.

december photo project: day 21

matt chilling on walnut street (we're trying to explore "the square" around the court house

matt chilling on walnut street (we’re trying to explore “the square” around the court house

this week dragged on inexplicably. and finally, when i believed this night would be a relaxing one–i was wrong. three words: ice. concerned. parents. therefore, i received both calls from my mother and my husband letting me know that we should start traveling towards omaha (we fly out on sunday) that afternoon instead of saturday morning. so matt offered to start packing up the car, etc. to which, i was like “i just want to stay home and relax in MY OWN BED! DON’T START PACKING!”

however, i am now sitting in matt’s friend’s house in st. louis. they’re sipping scotch. talking about things i have no idea about “let’s look from a foucauldian perspective”. yeah, whatever. we are still not sleeping. but it is finally break. and as you can see from the the last batch of photos is that we had a great evening with some great people last night. it was a really transformative evening: i felt the most happy, comfortable, encouraged and loved than ever with our new community. yes, and it is snowing to which my heart is finally beginning to soar with thoughts of christmas. my body and mind still need time to catch up with my wee christmas spirit. “kj and matt go to bed!” (they can’t hear me. all they here is “come outside and smoke! great idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!”). the Lord is so gracious.

the pictures above are all i can offer. kj thinks instagram is off to hell in a handbag…but everyone loves it. so i didn’t use it for tonight. enjoy the mishmash of lovelies, though.

a redeemer pew (in indy)

a redeemer pew (in indy)

children playing in redeemer gym

children playing in redeemer gym

redeemer church

redeemer church

the rest of the church: the art gallery and gym (the gallery hosts local artists and is breathtaking)

the rest of the church: the art gallery and gym (the gallery hosts local artists and is breathtaking)

worry wart

lately, i have been pondering a lot. i often think about our budget and how much money we are making and putting away. with my first pay check from my new job, i have been recently wondering if this cleaning job is really the job i want to stay with (not to mention my worries of my job’s inflexibility of taking time off around christmas).

today, i planned on beginning a new job search. however, my cleaning partner suggested i talk with our manager and discuss/request the time off i wanted. consequently, the talk proceeded and i walked away with a two week christmas break. God never ceases to amaze me and stun my mouth and mind for words. i worry and i fuss. i rely on myself to start looking for a new job. i fret about our savings and marriage. and what does God do? he gives me a great, at home weekend with my husband and a two week christmas vacation–plenty of time to visit both families. in addition, i asked my cleaning partner about her paycheck and realized my last check’s minuscule amount would be temporary. the Lord does provide–in his time.

this weekend matt and i are celebrating our birthdays together. his is the 26th of september and mine the 1st of october. we have always had issues of unbeknownst angst and competition with our birthdays so close together and trying to comply with 2 separate birthdays. well, to heck with that tradition! we decided on doing a birthday dinner party on saturday. i am going to try to imitate our israeli dinner  (with courses and hospitality) and hopefully the israeli couple will come! 3 other couples with be joining us. for appetizers my mother and i agreed on pears and grapes with brie and gouda (its apple smoked!). the entree will consist of chicken tikka masala (thanks to a great recipe from my mom and renee) with fresh naan and possibly a mint chutney. and for dessert you ask? well, i will be using our new ice-cream maker for a lemon basil sorbet. how does that sound? that is what i thought. absolutely. delicious. hope your week is going splendidly also.