October happenings

Hanging with bex at the little five points Halloween parade during their last minute visit

Hanging with bex at the little five points Halloween parade during their last minute visit


exploring midtown


downtown suntrust bank


gt campus tour with the lueders


matt relaxing during the gt tour 🙂


my current haircut and color


morning light

mb birthday weekend

morning walk–we had a lovely time with matt’s cousin visiting from savannah

birthday apple pie with dino by caitlyn

birthday apple pie with dino by caitlyn

pallookaville with gourmet corndogs and adult milkshakes

pallookaville with gourmet corndogs and adult milkshakes (my “happy birthday to me” shaketail was incredible)

before dinner

before dinner–afterwards we went bowling

ducks at piedmont park

ducks at piedmont park the next day



at the dock

at the dock

decatur walk

matt and i took a walk today, wandering down old familiar streets in our neighborhood. the cars kept wiring past to homes unseen. drops clung to empty limbs above from our week of gray cold rain. its been a comforting gray, a bundle up tight gray. my heart has been distracted lately amongst the myriad of details swarming around of people to be seen, making food, photography, summer plans and trips, tickets, growing families, a blog called “mundane faithfulness” (about a mom who is processing her own death by cancer, life, family, purpose and God–i highly recommend it),  card making, finishing chronicles II, and service in the church.

a friend said last night that she was processing the difference between her sacrifice and mercy–that God doesn’t her sacrifice. it made me think about all that i do for others and my motivations. (sigh). hope you all have had a great week 🙂


